5 Infused Butters to Impress Your Guests

5 Infused Butters to Impress Your Guests

Do you run a bed and breakfast, restaurant, or any other business where you serve food to your guests? If so, you need to look at making infused butters. They immediately impress people and when used atop fresh baked bread, you’ll have a customer who returns again and again. To make infused butters, you should…

Milk alternatives have been steadily rising in popularity for years now. But what milk is actually best for the environment? Read on to find out today.

What Milk Is Best For The Environment?

Milk is used by nearly everyone around the world every single day. However, in recent years there has been a rise in milk based alternatives. While some use this due to being lactose intolerant or prefer the taste, one of the biggest factors in choosing a milk alternative is the impact on the environment. So…

Creative Sandwich Ideas to Spice up Your Lunchtimes

Creative Sandwich Ideas to Spice up Your Lunchtimes

Lunchtimes are often a highly anticipated part of many people’s day’s. Whether you’re at school, work, or just at home, lunchtimes help to break up the day and give you an opportunity to relax and enjoy some food. So, when lunchtime is drawing nearer and your appetite is growing larger, the last thing you want…

5 of the Best Foods for Glowing Skin

5 of the Best Foods for Glowing Skin

Everyone longs for a flawless complexion. People spend an extortionate amount of money each year on skincare products and treatments to try to brighten up their skin. However, your internal health matters just as much as external factors do, and your diet can have a massive influence on the health and appearance of your skin.…

The Best Ways to Preserve Your Dairy Products

The Best Ways to Preserve Your Dairy Products

There is nothing worse than waking up and having your sights set on a bowl of your favourite cereal to start your day, only to find that the milk has spoiled and your breakfast is now inedible. That is why it is important to learn how to preserve your daily products so that you can…

The History of Cheese

The History of Cheese

First produced in around 8000 BC, Cheese has become a food favourite for many people across the world. Available in a wide array of flavours, textures and colours, the popular dairy product has a rich history which dates back to when sheep were first domesticated by man. Let’s explore this ancient food and uncover how…

Top Summer Food and Drink Trends for 2022

Top Summer Food and Drink Trends for 2022

Summer is a heavily anticipated season for many people across the world. Whether you’ll be sipping a refreshing cocktail by the beach in the blazing sun, or nibbling on smoked cheese and ham sandwiches at a picnic, there’s something for everyone to enjoy this summer. At Freshways, we are particularly excited to explore the summer…

Ten Ways to Use Yoghurt In Your Recipes

Ten Ways to Use Yoghurt In Your Recipes

Yoghurt is a rather remarkable food and an excellent addition to your usual diet. Quite simply, yogurt is made by culturing dairy products such as milk or cream with special bacteria that produce lactic acid. It’s fermented until the mixture forms a thicker version of the dairy product, with a tang from the lactic acid.…