Top Uses For Butter in the Kitchen

Butter is a kitchen essential and can be used in many different ways. From making your kids packed lunches to preparing your Sunday roast, butter has a million and one uses in the kitchen. You probably use butter a lot more than you realise, so what are its top uses?

Here are some of the ways that you can use butter in the kitchen.

How is butter made?

Butter is made by churning cream until the fats separate from the liquid. It is usually made from cow’s milk but other mammals can be used too.

How is butter used?

As a spread

Buttery toast or melting butter in a hot croissant is perfect for breakfast. To stop your foods tasting too dry, everyone needs butter in their fridge, especially for their lunchtime sandwiches! Butter is most commonly used as a spread whether you enjoy thick traditional butter or softer spreads.


Are you a keen baker? If so, you’ll know just how important butter is for your cakes, biscuits and other baked goods. Most recipes will contain butter so it’s always worth having a good stock in the fridge. Once your delicious treats are done, don’t forget to top them off with yummy buttercream icing too!


Cooking a Sunday roast? Butter can be used to baste the chicken, keeping it moist, adding flavour and stopping the skin from burning. It’s also a great topping on boiled potatoes as it melts in or as a top coat to your pastries and baked items just before they go in the oven. Lastly, butter is often the main ingredient in sauces especially pasta dishes and fish meals.

At Freshways, we supply delicious dairy products across the UK. Whether it’s classic salted butter or organic butter options, we have something to suit all tastes. We are proud to have a range of satisfied customers who enjoy our products including business owners looking to invest in high-quality ingredients. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help.

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