Our response to the BBC Panorama program “A Cow’s Life: The True Cost of Milk?

Animal welfare is of paramount importance to our business ethics & supply chain.

We were shocked by footage first seen on Monday 14th February 2022 in relation to one of Freshways many supplying farmers. All farms supplied to Freshways are signed up to the Red Tractor Assurance scheme which sets the industry standard for animal welfare.

Following our urgent investigation, the producer has had his Red Tractor Certification withdrawn and has not supplied Freshways with any milk following the Panorama Program.

We do not agree with Abi Reader’s claim that “historically, Freshways has been one of the lower payers (of liquid milk)”; in fact, data from independent industry expert Steve Bradley (www.milkprices.com) categorically shows this to be incorrect and misleading.

In April 2020, we were the most impacted dairy in the country due to our exposure in the hospitality sector. At that time, our customers were financially unable to assist farmers, and we accept during that period we paid a low price.

However, as the data also shows on the graph below (Freshways are highlighted in yellow), we have built up our business and Freshways are now the LEADING payer for liquid milk, which most liquid buyers are failing to keep pace with (excluding any farmer cooperatives).

Furthermore, in recognition of the huge impact inflation is having on farms, we continue to engage with customers to aim for a return to farmers in excess of 36ppl.


Milk Price Graph

Freshways Highlighted In Yellow

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