How to Make the Perfect Omelette

What could be a more perfect breakfast than a fluffy omelette on your plate? This is one of the dishes that chefs are judged by but you can also make a great omelette at home if you know a few tricks.

The Butter Makes the Omelette

Don’t use oil to make your omelette. Instead, use a tablespoon of butter for every two eggs. The butter should be carefully melted over medium heat and swirled around the pan before you add anything else.

Your Choice of Fillings

Typically, an omelette will have some sort of filling, but the exact ingredients are entirely up to your personal taste. Since each omelette will feed a single person, this is the perfect way to customise everyone’s breakfast.

Nearly every omelette includes cheese. More traditional options include mozzarella or cheddar cheese, but you can also experiment with Gruyere, feta, or anything that catches your fancy.

Some popular fillings include:

  • Ham
  • Bacon (precooked)
  • Spinach
  • Tomato
  • Basil
  • Mushrooms (sauteed)
  • Caramelised onions

If you need to cook the fillings, do this ahead of time and have them ready in small bowls so you can move quickly once you start to make the meal.

Get the Technique

The typical method of making this type of meal is to beat your eggs and then pour them into a hot pan, then cook until nearly cooked through. However, if you want a nice fluffy omelette, you need to swirl the pan after pouring the eggs in just as the butter starts to foam.

Once the eggs begin to bubble up, use your spatula to pull the outer edges of the eggs into the middle so the liquid egg in the centre runs to the edges. Do this a couple of times to build up the layer of air and egg.

You can add the cheese and desired fillings when the centre of the eggs is still just barely liquid. Remove the pan from the heat and season your omelette with salt and pepper as desired.

Fold the omelette in half to cover the fillings and let it rest for a minute before serving. It should look just right and give you a tasty bit of filling in every bite.

Garnish for the Finale

Want to really impress family and friends? Sprinkle chopped chives, parsley, or a dash of paprika over the top of the omelette and it will look even more professional. Now all that remains is to eat it.

Need a source of farm-fresh eggs? Freshways offers high-quality products that taste as good as they look.

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